Su pequeño gran Hotel

Hotel Paraiso del Mar
Prolongacion de Carabeo, 22
29780 Nerja - Andalucia - España
Tel.  +34-95-252-1621
Fax: +34-95-252-2309
Bienvenidos - Welcome - Willkommen - Bienvenue - Welkom
Logis Member
Via Michelin
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  • English
How to get to us Print E-mail
The Paraiso del Mar is located in the beautiful town of Nerja, just 55 Kilometers to the west from the city of Málaga, which has an international airport serving many international airlines.


Málaga International Airport features daily flights to over 120 destinations worldwide. Please check the following official website rearding arrival and departure information:

Getting from the Airport to Nerja

There are several options in order to get from the airport to Nerja:

  • Hotel Pickup Service: Please mention that you need an airport pickup when you make your reservation (Price: ca. € 70.- one way). Inform the hotel about your flight number and arrival time at least 48 hours prior your arrival.    
  • Taxi: Approximately € 70.- one way
  • Bus: There are airport buses going to the Malaga Bus Terminal every half an hour. From the Bus Terminal there is a scheduled bus to Nerja every hour. For more information, consult the official homepage of the Malaga Bus Service:  



Take N-340 Highway To Motril. Exit Nerja, arriving in Nerja follow signs to the Parador hotel; the Paraíso del Mar is just accross the street.



Málaga Train Station

The Málaga Bus Terminal is just near the train station. From the Bus Terminal there is a scheduled bus to Nerja every hour. For more information, consult the official homepage of the Málaga Bus Service:

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